Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stylized Nature with a Broken Lens

Originally uploaded by Paul Hoppe

Before I took my lens in for repair I took these nature-type shots to take advantage of the cool distortion effect caused by the malfunctioning lens. I also had some adjustment layer fun in photoshop.

Felted Wire Landscapes

IMG_0249 - Version 2
Originally uploaded by Paul Hoppe

My 50mm 1.4 lens is in for repairs so I decided to play with the macro function on my little PowerShot SD770. A few hours and couple color tweaks later my pipe-cleaner alarm clock has turned into fuzzy positive and negative space.

Pipe-Cleaner Fun

I had the urge to make something with my hands the other night and pipe-cleaners were readily available. I was challenged by my roommate Sam to make a working alarm clock. I think got as close as possible. There are "gears" in the back and the hands turn smoothly around the face.
